

Present the user with a set of choices
Version : 2.0
Prix : $25
Etat : Épuiséipadiphone


Liste des modifications


  • Now compatible with ShiVa 2.0.
  • Compiled for Mac and Linux in addition to Windows, so you can now use it while working with ShiVa Editor for each of these operating systems.
  • Now uses a user token instead of an email to activate


  • new functions createFromArray and createAtPositionFromArray for ease of use when working with dynamic elemnts.
  • new function setPreferredArrowOrientation to force the actionsheet arrow direction.
  • Dropped tag based events, replaced with delegates meaning you can now get notified to your own handlers. Objects can also receive the notification.


  • Fixed a conflict with jpAlert


Optimized for ShiVa 1.9.2 New function to create actionsheets targeting a specific location:

  • jpActionSheet.createAtPosition


  • Built with the jpTools plugin.


--jpActionSheet API jpActionSheet.activate ( sUserToken, sActivationKey ) jpActionSheet.create ( hOptObject, sAIModel, sHandler, sTitle, sCancelButton, sOptDestructiveButton, sOptOtherButton0, sOptOtherButton1, sOptOtherButton2, sOptOtherButton3, sOptOtherButton4, sOptOtherButton5, sOptOtherButton6, sOptOtherButton7 ) jpActionSheet.createAtPosition ( hOptObject, sAIModel, sHandler, nPositionX, nPositionY, sTitle, sCancelButton, sOptDestructiveButton, sOptOtherButton0, sOptOtherButton1, sOptOtherButton2, sOptOtherButton3, sOptOtherButton4, sOptOtherButton5, sOptOtherButton6, sOptOtherButton7 ) jpActionSheet.createFromArray ( hOptObject, sAIModel, sHandler, sTitle, tButtons, nOptCancelButtonIndex, nOptDestructiveButtonIndex ) jpActionSheet.createAtPositionFromArray ( hOptObject, sAIModel, sHandler, nPositionX, nPositionY, sTitle, tButtons, nOptCancelButtonIndex, nOptDestructiveButtonIndex ) jpActionSheet.setPreferredArrowOrientation ( kArrowOrientation ) --Callback format onMyHandler ( nButtonIndex ) --Constants jpActionSheet.kArrowOrientationAll jpActionSheet.kArrowOrientationHorizontal jpActionSheet.kArrowOrientationVertical


Use the jpActionSheet plugin to present the user with a set of alternatives for how to proceed with a given task. You can also use it to prompt the user to confirm a potentially dangerous action. It contains an optional title and one or more buttons, each of which corresponds to an action to take.


  • The jpEventQueue plugin is required (free)
  • The jpTools plugin is required (free)